About Us.

Koala Farmland Fund is an unlisted managed investment fund, launched in 2021. The Fund is managed by Upscale Farmland Funds who’s vision is to create investable green farmland funds, which they have been doing for many years and have over $50 million of fund under management.

South East Queensland continues to grow at a nation leading pace requiring new housing, roads and infrastructure.  Unfortunately, habitat is destroyed in the process which threatens many species survival, particularly koala.  Government regulations are complicated but habitat destruction must be mitigated or replaced (offset) elsewhere.  Community support for koala survival is at an all time high and corporations are expected to do more. However available land for development and the corresponding offset is also rapidly diminishing.

Our properties “South Kipper” and “Baileys Ridge” make up over 1,000ha of land and are suitable for Koala, Grey Headed Flying Fox, Greater Glider and other environmental matters specific to each property.

If you are looking for investor information about the Koala Farmland Fund, or the other funds under management check out the Upscale Farmland Funds website  Home – Upscale Farmland Funds.

Our Team

Rob Martyn,
General Manager Koala Farmland Fund

Rob Martyn has been involved in the Agricultural Industry for over 20 years.  After growing up on a dairy farm, he attended Dalby Agricultural College before starting his career with the SunPork Group working in a variety of roles over the following 18 years.

Since joining Koala Farmland Fund Rob has developed a deep understanding of the environmental offset space in both Qld State and Federal systems. Rob has effectively contracted all of the Federal offsets on our South Kipper property and has also successfully established our Baileys Ridge property as an approved Advanced Offset site with the Queensland Government. In a short period of time Rob has established great networks with environmental practitioners, local councils, developers, government departments & agencies both State and Federal.  

When not at work, Rob enjoys spending time with his wife & three kids getting out and about going camping, fishing and seeing new places. He is a big Rugby League fan who loves having a beer and watching the Broncos & Maroons get up for a win!!

Rob Martyn | LinkedIn

Kate McBean, Koala Farmland Fund Special Projects Manager

Kate is an environmental practitioner with over 15 years’ experience. As a competent project manager and technical expert, she has developed some of Australia’s largest biodiversity offset programs and managed a portfolio of carbon farming projects under the Australian Government ACCU Scheme.

With a Bachelor of Environmental Management, Kate also has a strong background in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), regulatory approvals and compliance, and environmental management across a diverse range of industries including aquaculture, water storage and infrastructure, renewable energy, mining, gas and residential development.

As Koala Farmland Fund’s Special Projects Manager, Kate is driven to develop innovative offset solutions that maximise ecological, social and economic outcomes. She is passionate about working collaboratively with farmers, First Nations people, corporates and local communities to deliver high quality biodiversity and carbon offset projects throughout Australian landscapes.

Kate is an enthusiastic surfer and stained-glass artist. In her spare time, she can be found hunting waves along the east-coast of Australia or in the studio making beautiful windows and lamps for friends and family.   

Kate McBean | LinkedIn


Sarah Tune, Principal Ecologist

Sarah Tune is a Certified Environmental Practitioner with over 17 years’ experience undertaking environmental assessments throughout Queensland.

Having previously worked for the Queensland Government, a large blue-chip corporation and an international environmental consultancy firm, Sarah has gained experience working on projects of all scales to undertake various ecological assessments against Commonwealth, State and Local legislative requirements.

Sarah has a bachelor’s degree in Applied Science and a post-graduate diploma in Rangeland Management from the University of Queensland. She has strong technical capabilities in undertaking desktop assessments, field surveys, sampling and analysis, spatial data interpretation, mapping and reporting.

Sarah is a passionate Meliponist (native bee keeper) for Stingless Native Bees, so in her spare time she can be found looking after one of her many hives or out exploring for new species of native bees.

Sarah Tune | LinkedIn

Gary Brennand, Koala Farmland Fund Property Manager

Gary is a highly experianced property manager, having managed medium and large scale properties in north west Qld, South west Qld and Central NSW.

After moving to Central NSW to manage a Stud Merino sheep station, he, together with his wife, started Springvale Farm Trees in central NSW. Here, they developed skills in propagating native trees from seed and raising them to planting stage. After moving back to Queensland, Gary joined Upscale Funds Management where he now manages our koala offset properties. Gary, together with his wife Georgie, were instrumental in planning, planting, and establishing all the koala offset trees at our Davies Farm offset site.  

A mad union fan, when he isn’t out tending to our trees, Gary can be found clocking up the miles on his car traveling around Gatton and Brisbane to watch the QLD Reds and his sons rugby union games.

    Rob Hart,
    Managing Director

    Rob founded the Upscale Funds management business with a vision to create climate resilient investable funds. The business is pioneering environmental social governance investment particularly in carbon farming and koala habitat offsets.

    Rob has a strong affinity for the land and environment, whether growing up on a farm, managing environment/land/cultural heritage teams for corporates, winning an Earthwatch Fellowship in Coast Rica, working with the Apudthama Indigenous Rangers in Cape York to “rediscover” the Jardine River Painted Turtle or managing an unfence safari camp in the wilds of Zambia.

    In his spare time, Rob runs Angus cows and is gradually regenerating the family farm with his wife and three kids. He is a notorious shower singer, slow squash player and old cricketer, and loves a red wine and rib fillet cooked on the open fire with good friends.

    Rob Hart | LinkedIn

    Ronald Thompson, Operations Director

    As one of the founding directors of Upscale Funds Management, Ronald knows our business inside and out. A Nuffield Scholar and 25-year operator and owner of grazing and farming country in Queensland, Ronald has cultivated a deep understanding of developing environmental projects income in co-existence with agriculture. He has skilfully managed a $200m agricultural portfolio of properties for Origin Energy and is experienced at implementing integrated environmental projects due to his previous role at Australia’s largest environmental carbon project facilitator.

    Ronald is responsible for identifying and analysing property upscaling opportunities as well looking for appropriate land suited to develop environmental offsets. Ronald is key in strategy and understanding how to keep property production efficient and profitable while implementing environmental projects. The deep knowledge of both these areas is unique.

    In his spare time, Ronald enjoys family, international travel, cooking, gardening, running and being the Event Director for Charley’s Creek parkrun. 

    Ronald Thompson | LinkedIn

    Are you an investor?

    If you are looking for investor information about the Koala Farmland Fund, or the other funds under management check out the Upscale Farmland Funds website.


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